Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Christopher Alexander viewpoint

The UC Berkeley professor has just published The Nature of Order, a 2,000-page tome on what's wrong with modern architecture. It turns out that it's the architects:

Blame the architects, he says, who are shills for a bankrupt modern society, "very much as if we were the advance-men, the ad-men, paid to make a series of unworkable social forms palatable to people by making something inherently bad seem glamorous." Twentieth-century architecture, he adds, has been "a mass psychosis of unprecedented dimension," "a form of architecture which is against life, insane, image-ridden, hollow." (He told Peter Eisenman, in a 1982 debate, that highfalutin architects were "fucking up the whole profession of architecture.")

Without having read Alexander's book, on reading the article excerpted above in the Village Voice (link below), it seems to me that his diagnosis is remarkably similar to the one I'm trying to communicate with MYO. Basically, surrounding people with geometric forms will never make them as happy as natural forms would.



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